CHUG: Disaster Preparedness Can Save Lives

CHUG: Disaster Preparedness Can Save Lives

While the recent emergency in Texas has been devastating, to say the least, there are a couple of lessons learned that we can highlight when disaster preparedness is proactively considered.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, having a “GO-KIT” can be critical. Make sure to include these priority items in case of cold weather, power loss, a lack of cell phone service, and/or water shortages:

  • Back-up water and non-perishable food reserves for a minimum of three days

  • Extra blankets, outdoor sleeping bags, layers of indoor clothing, and outdoor items like gloves, scarves, and hats

  • Extra flashlights, walkie-talkies, and a battery-powered radio

Check out this CBS NEWS video on disaster preparedness as the President declares a major disaster in Texas: